Kabeer Biswas, the co-founder of Dunzo, has reportedly joined Flipkart to spearhead its quick commerce segment, named Minutes. Dunzo, a hyperlocal delivery platform, has been grappling with operational and financial challenges, prompting Biswas to depart from the company. Biswas is set to begin his role at Flipkart on January 13, working closely with Senior Vice President Hemant Badri.
Last May, Flipkart secured $950 million in funding, with $350 million contributed by Google. Following the funding round, the Walmart-owned e-commerce giant's valuation reached $36 billion. Flipkart’s entry into the quick commerce space comes at a strategic time, with competitors like Swiggy Instamart, Zomato-owned Blinkit, and Zepto dominating the market.
The quick commerce market is forecasted to grow from $6.1 billion in 2024 to $40 billion by 2030, as per a report by Datum Intelligence. In 2022, Reliance Retail led a $240 million funding round for Dunzo, acquiring a 25.8% stake in the Bengaluru-based startup. However, rising competition led to financial troubles, with the company failing to pay employee salaries for over 18 months and eventually laying off staff.