Kirin Holdings, a renowned Japanese company celebrated for its beverages and beer, has introduced a groundbreaking device—an electronic spoon designed to enhance the saltiness of food. The spoon delivers a weak electric current, which concentrates sodium ion molecules in food, amplifying the salty and umami flavours without adding any actual sodium.
From Japan to the world
In 2024, Kirin released a limited number of these "Salt Spoons" in Japan, priced at approximately $127 in U.S. dollars. The product made waves during its showcase at CES 2025, where the company announced plans to bring this innovative technology to international markets soon. Kirin claims the spoon significantly boosts the perceived saltiness of food, offering a game-changing solution for low-sodium diets.
Science behind the magic: Ig Nobel Prize-winning research
While the concept may sound too futuristic to be true, the science backing it is compelling. The spoon represents the first commercial application of technology that earned the 2023 Ig Nobel Prize, an award celebrating unconventional scientific achievements. The research team behind this innovation began their work in 2011, developing utensils such as spoons, forks, and chopsticks that use electric currents to intensify food flavours.
A solution to Japan's salt intake crisis
Kirin developed the electronic spoon with a health-conscious goal: to help people reduce their sodium intake. This innovation is particularly relevant in Japan, where the average adult consumes more than double the daily sodium intake recommended by the World Health Organisation.