CR Paatil, India's Jal Shakti Minister, inaugurated Gujarat's state-of-the-art semiconductor plant in Palsana, Surat. The facility, set up by Suchi Semicon, spans 30,000 sq ft and is equipped to manufacture three lakh chips daily. Built with an investment of ₹840 crore, the plant represents a significant milestone for India’s semiconductor industry. Speaking at the event, Paatil emphasized the critical role of semiconductors in driving the digital revolution and powering electronics manufacturing. He highlighted Gujarat’s entrepreneurial spirit, noting its contribution to both domestic and global semiconductor supply chains.
Rapid development post-COVID
The plant was operationalized in record time following the COVID-19 pandemic, a testament to Gujarat’s resilience and industrial leadership, said Paatil. He praised Suchi Semicon’s founder, Ashok Mehta, for his journey from earning ₹1,500 per month to employing 1,500 engineers at the new facility.
Harsh Sanghvi's statement
Home Minister of Gujarat, Harsh Sanghvi, lauded the state's capability in achieving Prime Minister Modi's vision of self-reliance in the semiconductor sector. He added that Gujarat has consistently led in industrial innovation and development.
Founder’s journey and global standards
Suchi Semicon’s founder, Ashok Mehta, shared the effort behind the project, stating that two years of research and visits to 12 countries preceded the plant’s construction. His son, Shetal Mehta, assured that the chips will meet global standards while creating 1,200 new jobs over the next five years.