Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy instructed officials to expedite the preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for three proposed Metro Rail corridors in Hyderabad. These corridors include the Future City Shamirpet, and Medchal stretches, with a target to finalise the DPRs by March and secure central government approval.
The three Metro Rail corridors under consideration are:
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport to Future City Metro: Spanning 40 km.
JBS to Shamirpet Metro: Covering a distance of 22 km.
Paradise to Medchal Metro: Extending 23 km.
The Chief Minister emphasised the importance of completing land acquisition for these projects promptly and directed that tenders be issued by the end of April. During a review meeting, the Chief Minister stressed the need for a comprehensive field-level study to design alignments for elevated corridors that can accommodate future needs. Specific instructions were given for the Medchal Metro stretch, considering the presence of three existing flyovers on the national highway.
Junction development with modern facilities
A significant junction is proposed to connect the Shamirpet and Medchal Metro corridors. The Chief Minister advised that this junction should be equipped with modern facilities, ensuring that residents of these areas do not need to travel into the city for essential services. Officials were instructed to create a detailed plan for the junction’s development.
Radial roads and elevated corridors
The Hyderabad Growth Corridor Ltd (HGCL) was tasked with constructing radial roads to enhance connectivity. The Chief Minister urged the immediate commencement of elevated corridor construction to address growing urban infrastructure demands.
Key participants in the review meeting included:
Chief Minister's Advisor: Vem Narender Reddy
State Government Advisor (Infrastructure): Srinivasa Raju
Special Secretary to CM: Ajith Reddy
Municipal Commissioner and Urban Development Principal Secretary: Dana Kishore
Hyderabad Metro Rail MD: N.V.S. Reddy
HMDA Commissioner: Sarfaraz Ahmed
Flagship Programmes Commissioner: Shashanka