India’s first solar-powered car, the Vayve Eva, was unveiled at the Auto Expo 2025 by Vayve Mobility. Starting at an attractive price of ₹3.25 lakhs (ex-showroom), the compact EV is offered in three distinct variants: Nova, Stella, and Vega. Buyers can choose between purchasing the battery outright or subscribing to a battery-as-a-service model, adding flexibility to ownership.
Sustainable Innovation with Solar Panels
The Vayve Eva is equipped with a flexible solar panel on its roof. This cutting-edge feature is designed to augment the vehicle's range by up to 10 km daily, making it an ideal option for eco-conscious urban commuters.
A Visionary Take on Urban Mobility
Niesh Bajaj, Co-Founder and CEO of Vayve Mobility described the Eva as more than just a car. “Eva is not just a car; it’s a new category of urban vehicles designed for the modern family. It blends sustainability with innovation, offering a futuristic yet accessible commuting solution,” he stated.
Tailored for the Modern Urban Commuter
Vayve Mobility highlights that most car owners in India travel less than 35 km daily, often with fewer than 1.5 passengers per vehicle. The Eva perfectly suits this demographic, providing an economical and environmentally friendly alternative. With an operational cost of just ₹0.5 paise per km, the Eva is significantly more affordable than many electric vehicles currently on the market.
Competing in the EV Space
Despite its competitive pricing, the Eva stands as a rival to higher-priced models like the MG Comet EV. By blending affordability with innovative green technology, the Vayve Eva is poised to disrupt the electric vehicle segment, especially among urban commuters seeking sustainable mobility solutions.