India’s Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, has announced an innovative "cashless treatment" scheme aimed at providing timely medical assistance to road accident victims. Under this initiative, the government will cover treatment expenses up to ₹1.5 lakh for seven days. However, the accident must be reported to the police within 24 hours for the scheme to be applicable. Gadkari explained, “Immediately after an accident, if the information is shared with the police within 24 hours, we will cover the expenses for seven days of treatment or a maximum of ₹1.5 lakh.”
Financial support for hit-and-run victims
The minister also revealed an ex gratia payment of ₹2 lakh for the families of victims who lose their lives in hit-and-run cases. Speaking about the scheme, Gadkari added, “We will provide ₹2 lakh for the deceased in hit-and-run cases to support their families during difficult times.”
Alarming road safety statistics of 2024
Highlighting the urgent need for better road safety measures, Gadkari shared that nearly 1.8 lakh lives were lost in road accidents in 2024 alone. Among these, 30,000 deaths were caused by the failure to wear helmets. He stated, “In 2024, road accidents claimed 1.8 lakh lives, and 30,000 fatalities were due to the non-usage of helmets. Road safety remains our top priority.” Gadkari also pointed out that 66 per cent of these accidents involved individuals aged 18 to 34, underscoring the vulnerability of young people in traffic incidents.
Tragic loss of children due to unsafe school zones
The minister brought attention to the deaths of 10,000 children in road accidents near educational institutions. These fatalities were attributed to inadequate infrastructure at entry and exit points. “10,000 children have died due to a lack of proper arrangements at school and college entry-exit points. We have established rules for autorickshaws and minibuses transporting schoolchildren to curb such incidents,” he stated. Gadkari emphasised the identification of accident-prone areas, known as "black spots," and collaborative efforts to reduce fatalities.
Focus on preventive measures and collaboration
The government is taking proactive steps to enhance road safety through stricter regulations, improved infrastructure, and public awareness campaigns. By addressing critical issues such as helmet use, school transportation safety, and accident reporting, this initiative aims to save lives and reduce the toll of road accidents in India.