The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released its recommendation on the definition of International Traffic. It has been produced in continuance of the recommendation demanded by the Ministry of Communication, Government of India dated 30th August 2022. The recommendations aim to define International traffic as “INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC means the traffic originating in one country and terminating in another country, where one of the countries is India,” the press release by the Ministry of Communications stated.
What is an international SMS?
“INTERNATIONAL SMS MESSAGE means the international traffic delivered using SMS,” the recommendation paper stated. It can be of two types namely Person-to-Person (P2P) and Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS messages. Hence for the purpose of telecommunication service licenses and authorizations, it has been defined as:
“Any incoming application to person (A2P) SMS message shall be treated as an international SMS message if it cannot be generated, 18 transmitted or received without the use or intervention of any electronic device, computer system or computer application located outside India.”
What is Domestic traffic?
The Authority recommends that the term ‘Domestic Traffic’ should be defined in the relevant telecommunication service licenses and authorizations as below:
“DOMESTIC TRAFFIC means the traffic originating and terminating within India.”
What is Domestic SMS?
The Authority recommends that the term ‘Domestic SMS’ should be defined in the relevant telecommunication service licenses and authorizations as below:
“DOMESTIC SMS means the domestic traffic delivered using SMS.”
Earlier publications
TRAI issued a consultation paper on the definition of international traffic and international SMS back in May 2023. It received counter-arguments from 7 stakeholders and comments from 20 stakeholders. Afterwards, an Open House Discussion on the consultation paper was held on 24.08.2023.