The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released the regulations for ground-based broadcasters after wide consultations. The recommendations are under the letter dated 22nd May 2024 by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) wherein it had sought recommendations of TRAI on “Regulatory Framework for Ground Based Broadcasters” under Section 11(1)(a) of TRAI Act, 1997.
In its recommendations, the regulatory body has sought to regulate the satellite-based transmission system with the same regulations as with the Ground-based broadcasters, so far as the transmission is concerned keeping away the provisions related to the satellite communication medium.
The salient points of recommendation are as:
- Traditional Vs Modern: The regulatory body has sought to keep the framework for Ground-based Broadcasters similar to the framework contained in the ‘Guidelines for Uplinking and Downlinking of Satellite Television Channels in India, 2022’ for traditional satellite-based broadcasters, to the extent applicable to the ground-based broadcast model, duly excluding the provisions related to the satellite communication medium.
- Re-transmission: The scope of Ground-based Broadcasters shall be to provide television channel(s) to Distribution Platform Operators (DPOs) using terrestrial communication medium, for onward re-transmission.
- More than one System: A Ground-based Broadcaster may use any terrestrial communication medium(s), for delivery of channels to the DPOs. There shall be no restriction on the use of terrestrial communication technologies/systems and the entity may use more than one such system, as per its business decision.
- Permission Required: For the permitted channel, a Ground-based Broadcast (GBB) can switch to or additionally use satellite medium for broadcasting with due permission of the Central government. Similarly, a Satellite-based Broadcaster(SBB) can switch to or additionally use terrestrial communication medium for broadcasting with due permission of the Central government.
- Pan-India services: The service area for a Ground-based Broadcaster shall be at the National level.
- FAST Channels: MIB may examine whether Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) channels are compliant with the extant guidelines/policy framework. If necessary, MIB may issue necessary policy guidelines for such channels in consultation with TRAI.
The Authority reiterated its recommendations on ‘Ease of Doing Business in Telecom and Broadcasting Sector’ dated 2nd May 2023 to the extent applicable to Ground-based Broadcasters, the press release stated.
Read the previous report on this at: Terrestrial Broadcasters May Face New Regulations as TRAI Seeks Input on Consultation Paper
The evolution of technology has enabled broadcasters to deliver their television channels to Distribution Platform Operators (DPOs) through terrestrial communication technologies. These include cable and fiber, as well as cellular networks, microwave systems, Wi-Fi, internet, and cloud-based platforms.
Terrestrially transmitted channels can now be distributed across multiple DPO networks simultaneously for retransmission. In light of these advancements, it becomes crucial to establish an enabling framework that allows service providers to harness the full potential of these technological innovations effectively.
To understand more of industry concerns read: Industry Urges TRAI to Adopt HD Radio in Phases, FICCI Reiterates